How Does a Driving Instructor Help in Providing Driving Lessons?

A driving school is as good as its driving lessons, to start with. And when it comes to offering these driving lessons, the driving mentors play a pivotal role. In fact, it is the competency of the driving mentors which determines how well the lessons are passed...

Importance of Learning Fuel-Efficient Driving Skills

Are you looking for ways to earn more to pay for your fuel expenses? Are you planning to do overtime? If the answer is yes, then instead of wasting your time doing something foolish, the best thing you can do is learn the fuel-efficient driving technique. Yes, you...

How Does A Driving Instructor Help To Overcome The Fear Of Driving?

Road accidents happen when people don’t concentrate while driving on the road. They get distracted because for some reason or the other and due to this people not only damage their vehicle but also lose their life. Things become worse when they meet with some...

FAQ About Block Driving Lessons in Manchester

There are many people who don't have any idea about the different kinds of driving schools that are offered by the instructors. They only have an idea about basic and advanced driving lessons. But this is not. There are many others, too, such as standard driving...

What Are the Qualities of a Good Driving Instructor You Should Know?

If learning the best skills is your main priority, then you need to make a little effort to find professional instructors. Though there are many driving schools which are offering different kinds of driving lessons, not all of them are renowned for providing a great...

How You Can Avoid Wildlife Collisions While Driving?

Driving a small vehicle or a heavy one is not an easy job. There are many things that you need to do well in advance before you start the automobile. Adjusting the car seats and mirrors to ensure that everything in your four-wheeler is in the right order so that you...

5 Driving Tips That Will Help You to Become A Professional Driver

Do you know why accidents happen on the road? What are the causes? You might say this can be due to vehicle problems, bad roads and poor weather conditions, etc. There are countless reasons that you can give, and all of them might be valid too. But the main reason...

What Is The Importance of Learning Automatic Driving Lessons?

People learn to drive for different reasons. Some learn it so that they can buy and drive their vehicle. The others do it so that they can become a professional driver. Depending on their need and requirement, they hire professional instructors from a reputed school...

How To Drive And Reach Your Destination On-Time In The Rain?

How to Drive And Reach Your Destination On-time in the Rain?

Driving in heavy rain always becomes a problem. Even professional and experienced drivers find it tough to drive when the road is wet and it's raining heavily. Apart from this heavy traffic jam during the rainy season makes things more complicated. Therefore it is...

Manual Or Automatic Driving Lessons – Which Is Good For You?

Manual or Automatic Driving Lessons – Which Is Good for You?

People learn how to drive a car or any other automobile due to different reasons. While some of them want to purchase a four-wheeler of their choice and ride on their own, others want to make their career as a driver. So before enrolling in a driving school in Salford...

The Gateway to Pass the Driving Test in Just One Attempt

While learning how to drive a vehicle smoothly without making any mistakes and losing confidence is a tough job, it is more complicated to pass the driving test in just a single attempt. It has been seen that many learners have to appear for the driving test twice,...

How To Drive An Automatic Car For The First Time?

How to Drive an Automatic Car for the First Time?

People often learn driving lessons in a manual four-wheeler that has a brake, accelerator and clutch. However when they get an opportunity to drive an automatic car most of them face a lot of problems. Adjusting to the new system of an automatic vehicle not only...

Trial To Increase the number of driving tests starts at 30 centres

30 driving test centres across England, Wales and Scotland will be trialling a new testing programme to increase the number of tests driving examiners carry out per day from Tuesday 27 July. The trial will run up to and including Friday 30 July at these driving test...

Sharing the new safe driving for life website

Today, 7 July 2021, we are thrilled to share our new Safe Driving for Life website with learner drivers and the public. We are doing this through a national press announcement, social media and by emailing theory and driving test candidates. A reminder of our new...

Over 2 million views of the new safe driving for life website

On 28 April 2021 our new Safe Driving for Life website went live. Since then, the site has been viewed over 2 million times and more than 10,000 eLearning subscriptions have been purchased via the site. We've also received valuable feedback from many of you and...